
Food Benchmark Report: Data, Trends, and Insights for Your Next Campaign

In the food industry, consumer tastes and preferences are always shifting. The brands who become and remain successful are the ones who show consumers that they’re on the same page. Not only is food spending not slowing down, but it’s also changing. Women no longer reign supreme as primary household food shoppers, and millennials are making a name for themselves as food consumers, too. Today’s entrée is our Food Benchmark Report, where you’ll find trends and insights backed by data to help you achieve global content discovery success.

We show you how to cut through the competition by highlighting the best opportunities––areas with low supply and high demand––for food marketers to feast upon. We define supply by percentage of spend on a type of content across the Taboola network and demand as click-through-rate (CTR). Now, let’s dig in for an appetizer.

Best Content Types For Food Creatives

The best content types––videos, articles, photos––vary by country. Globally, text content continues to be popular despite a high supply. However, the largest opportunity for food marketers can be found in campaigns with video landing pages. 

Creative Best Practices for Food Marketers

In the Food Benchmark Report, you’ll find best practices on how to build successful creatives for video and sponsored content campaigns. Here are some image trends that are proven to increase the success of your food marketing creatives. Outdoor images, for example, are shown to improve lead generation. Download the full report to see photo recommendations on trends like distance vs close-up, person vs. no person, text vs no text and more. Our sponsored content recommendations also highlight the most popular keywords to include in your headlines to increase clicks. Here are some examples of high performing headlines based on the keywords:

  • Not so Fast! Do you Wash Your Produce Long Enough?
  • Seven Ideas for a Week of Delicious Breakfasts
  • Here’s What Happens When you Add Superfoods to Your Diet

Time of Year Opportunities

Certain times of year bring big opportunities for food marketers. Here’s when we recommend increasing your content discovery budget:

Competitive KPIs in Food Marketing

Finally, we did a deep dive into all of the food campaigns across our network and pulled out the KPIs we saw being targeted most frequently:

More in the Main Course

Download the full Food Benchmark Report for insights on:

  • Optimizing audience targeting
  • Device targeting recommendations (for desktop, mobile and tablet)
  • Site Targeting
  • Insights on the time of day and day of the week with the best opportunity.
  • …and more.

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