Reach Customers That Convert

Drive business results by reaching people genuinely, effectively at just the right moment.

Advertisers winning with Taboola

679% Average ROAS

100K Leads/mo

+50% CTR

+50% ROAS

+130% CVR

+25% Leads Generated

+26% Brand Affinity

+291% Retargeting CVR

2X Avg. Session Duration

+30% Purchase Intent

-42% Cost per Sale

 +42% Video Completion Rate

The Leading Performance Platform on the Open Web

Engage Your Audience

Use Taboola's platform to turn readers into your customers, meeting your marketing goals effectively on websites they trust.

Understand User Intent

Use Taboola's tech and unique first-party data to identify user intent, driving action and delivering tangible business results.

Reach Quality Audiences

Connect with over 600M daily users across top-tier global sites in verticals like finance, travel, auto, health, and gaming.

Master Your Digital Marketing

Drive new leads, encourage email signups, reach potential customers, and share exciting offers directly.

Drive online purchases by converting readers into active buyers, transforming casual browsers into committed customers.

Increase website engagement by attracting users who are most likely to connect with your brand or product.

Get your app noticed and increase app installs with Taboola App Install ad format
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Get up to 70% more conversions with Taboola

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Native Advertising Advantage

Reach audiences based on their interests without relying on third-party cookies.

Premium Websites

Access 22,000+ exclusive and trusted websites worldwide with Taboola Ads.

Largest Native Ads Network

Reach 600M active users daily and expand your audience alongside your search and social campaigns.

Performance at Scale

Beat your CPA goals with Taboola’s advanced performance algorithm.

Native Advertising Works


50% more views than traditional display ads


10X higher engagement rate compared to traditional display ads


18% higher purchase intent than traditional display ads


80% of people trust ads on news sites more than social

Advertiser Success Stories

eToro Boosts Global Acquisition with Taboola: 30% Conversion Success

eToro sought a new media channel to enhance their global acquisition and branding efforts. By partnering with Taboola, they achieved a 30% conversion rate from registrations to paying users and reduced CPM costs by 40%.

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Bosch Home Appliances Sees Significant Traffic Increase With Taboola

Segmenta and Bosch Home Germany achieved convincing results in all relevant metrics such as CPC and CTR as well as Cost per Visit and Cost per Product View. The results were also very competitive compared to the accompanying social campaign.

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Hyundai Achieves 30% Lower Cost per Session with Taboola

Hyundai partnered with Taboola to boost their campaign performance, resulting in a 30% lower Cost per Session. They also achieved a 26% lower Cost per Lead and a 10% lower Bounce Rate compared to other channels like Display and Social.

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10,000 Customers in 6 Months: Lifeboost's Success with Taboola

With Taboola, Lifeboost was able to convert 10,000 customers in 6 months, while achieving a CPA 75% lower than their goal with retargeting, and 87% lower than their goal with Attentive Audiences.

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Austria Tourism Sees 33% Boost with Taboola

Austria Tourism experienced a 33% performance increase across all campaigns by replacing banner display advertising with Taboola.

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