MEMOCO Implements Taboola Feed’s Continuous Scroll Solution and Quadruples Revenue in Three Months

MEMECO Implements Suite of Taboola Monetization Solutions for Success
- 409% Increase in Revenue in Three Months
- 148% Increased in Sponsored Content CTR
- 146% Increase in Organic Content CTR
MEMOCO is a gift information website that delivers information for people looking for gifts for their loved ones. Founded in 2012, their mission is to become Japan’s go-to destination for any gift-giving related questions, information or inquiries.
Drive stable revenue and further MEMOCO’s growth potential through the implementation of a content recommendation engine.
Implement Taboola Feed’s continuous scroll solution to increase engagement with both organic and sponsored content.
After implementing Taboola Feed, MEMOCO saw a 409% increase in overall revenue in just three months. Their sponsored content click-through-rate (CTR) increased by 148%, while organic content CTR increased by 146%.
MEMOCO is a gift information website that delivers information for people looking for gifts for their loved ones. Founded in 2012, their mission is to become Japan’s go-to destination for any gift-giving related questions, information or inquiries.
MEMOCO has an editorial team of 20 people who are constantly working to create seasonal articles related to upcoming holidays. Their core audience is in Japan— they’re targeting a female audience between the ages of 20 and 40.

MEMOCO Finds Taboola Feed’s Continuous Scroll Environment Desirable for their Target Audience
Prior to implementing Taboola Feed, MEMOCO repeatedly tested various recommendation engines including OZOU, TXEL, POPIN, X-Lift and Google and were not able to drive stable revenue or further their growth potential.
According to MEMOCO, Taboola Feed has proved to work for their audience—which is mostly made up of young female mobile users. They’re consuming content on the go and are looking to discover great content related to gifts and new topics.
With Taboola Feed, they were able to see an increase in recirculation of their organic content as well as growing revenue. Additionally, there is now a strong opportunity for brands that are looking to build long-term relationships with new and existing customers on MEMOCO.
The Taboola Feed brings the familiar continuous scrolling experience that users love to publishers’ sites on the open web. This next-generation, below-article experience delivers engaging ‘card’ formats that contain a variety of content including video, articles, slideshows and a host of third-party experiences, all personalized for the user.
In-Feed Video Greatly Contributes to MEMOCO’s Growth in Revenue
MEMOCO also implemented Taboola’s non-intrusive in-feed video placements, which have greatly contributed to their growth in revenue. After implementing Taboola Feed, MEMOCO saw a 409% increase in overall revenue in just three months. Their sponsored content click-through-rate (CTR) increased by 148%, while organic content CTR increased by 146%.
MEMOCO Implements Taboola’s Descender Widget and ‘Start From Slider’ Feature For Further Audience Engagement
MEMOCO is particularly focused on the details of their user interface and found the flexibility of the Taboola Feed design to be very desirable.
In addition to Taboola Feed, MEMOCO has implemented Taboola’s Descender Widget and ‘Start From Slider’ features to further grow engagement with sponsored and organic content.
Start from Slider allows video allows video to adhere to the corner of the screen as the user scrolls down, attaching to the Taboola Feed below the article.
Taboola’s Descender Widget, which appears for MEMOCO mobile traffic, appears when the user scrolls back to the top of the screen.
Overall, MEMOCO has found the Taboola sales and account management teams to be incredibly helpful during initial implementation and throughout the optimization process. MEMOCO looks forward to expanding their relationship with Taboola in the future.